Belt-Fed Hell
Keeping track of gun and civil rights related issues in Michigan.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012NRA-ILA | Michigan House Judiciary Committee to Consider Repeal of Handgun Permit-to-Purchase and Registration
NRA just sent word that the Michigan House is considering repealing the stupid registration and purchase permits that are a hold over from the Jim Crow days. Follow the link below for the details
NRA-ILA | Michigan House Judiciary Committee to Consider Repeal of Handgun Permit-to-Purchase and Registration I will definitely be following this one closely Sunday, February 12, 2012GREEN: Rahm Emanuel's $400,000 autographWashington Times: GREEN: Rahm Emanuel's $400,000 autograph Alan super-sizes his check and displays it proudly at CPAC Tuesday, January 31, 201260K Iowans Get Concealed Weapon Permits - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines
60K Iowans Get Concealed Weapon Permits - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines
Oh look at that. When you remove the requirement to donate to the local sheriff's re-election campaign, the amount of people who get permits to protect themselves increases. Its almost like arbitrary rules have arbitrary effects. I'm surprised that it took Iowa this long, but for some reason there is a very liberal streak that triangulates between Minneapolis, Cleveland, and Kansas City. h/t SayUncle Dennis Burke profiled by AZ Republic
Dennis Burke, the gunwalker original conspirator, has a profile done by the AZ Republic.
STORY After reading the article, I cannot be convinced of anything other than conspiracy by the Obama Administration on gun control. You couldn't select a more anti gun person than the guy who wrote the AWB. Of note John Richardson and Mike Vanderboegh get mentions in dead tree media. h/t sayuncle Sunday, January 8, 2012Light a candle pt 2Just because I hate the Bradys. Weer'd World
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